Sunday, January 11, 2009

A new header! Day 11

I wanted a new header for my new blog. I had someone design my last one and didn't know quite I wanted for this one. I am not blog savy, but I figured it couldn't be too hard. I mean, afterall, I just wanted to use one of my pics and not create one from scratch. Boy, was I wrong. It wasn't as easy as I thought. First I couldn't decide what pic to use. I've got hundreds and hundreds of pics to choose from. I finally decided on these four which are taken in my backyard in the winter, spring, summer and fall. My backyard is so full of trees, it's just gorgeous to sit and look around as the season changes throughout the year.

I have photoshop, but I barely know it. With the help of my son, I used the "Paint" program to collage the photos together and than I used photoshop to write out the title. The photo wasn't loading properly, so Sherri pointed me to a utube tutorial which explained how to properly load up my title. Each day I play on these programs, the more I learn about what amazing programs these are. And new header. All in all, it only took me six hours!


  1. Love your header- a one-off original for sure. I've never made a blog header either.
    You have a beautiful garden outlook. Is it snowy right now?
