Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My DH's Other Love - Day 25

P61 Black Widow
When I got married, I realized that besides me, my husband loved model building. He'd been building since he was in his early teens. He's really very good at it. These planes come in little kits as you can see in the "before" picture. It takes him a very long time (months even) to finish it. He's very meticulous in his research. Has an amazing amount of books and reference material so he can be accurate. He's lent his technical knowledge for a book and has contributed his photos for other books. His models, when he enters them, have won awards. For this P61, he even made that cool base using bricks from dollhouse accessories!
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  1. That looks hard!!! He really did a great job!

  2. Wow! I'd never have that much patience.

  3. My husband is a modeler too! His grandfather got him into it as a small boy working in the garage on his grandfather's two car garage sized electric train set up. DH is more into ships, planes, and occasional tanks and ships in a bottle. Nice to see another wife of a modeler! :>
